Links for "Becoming Your Best Self"
Ordinary and Marvelous! - A Peek at the Peak
The Traits of a Self-Actualized Person
Being Cognition Compared to Deficiency Cognition
B-COGNITION -- 1. Seen as whole, as complete, self-sufficient, as unitary. Either "Cosmic Consciousness" as described by Richard Maurice Bucke (, in which whole cosmos is perceived as single thing with oneself belonging in it; or else the person, object, or portion of the world seen is seen as if it were the whole world, i.e., rest of world is forgotten. Integrative perceiving of unities. Unity of the world or object perceived.
D-COGNITION -- 1. Seen as part, as incomplete, not self-sufficient, as dependent upon other things.
B-COGNITION -- 2. Exclusively, fully narrowly attended to; absorption, fascination, focal attention; total attention. Tends to de-differentiate figure and ground. Richness of detail; seen from many sides. Seen with "care," totally, intensely, with complete investment. Totally cathected. Relative importance becomes unimportant; all aspects equally important.
D-COGNITION -- 2. Attended to with simultaneous attention to all cause that is relevant. Sharp figure ground differentiation. Seen imbedded in relationships to all else in world, as part of the world. Rubricized; seen from some aspects only; selective attention and selective inattention to some aspects; seen casually, seen only from some point of view.
B-COGNITION -- 3. No comparing (in Dorothy Lee's sense). Seen per se, in itself, by itself. Not in competition with anything Else. Sole member of the class (in Hartman's sense).
D-COGNITION -- 3. Placing on a continuum or within a series; comparing, judging, evaluating. Seen as a member of a class, as an instance, a sample.
B-COGNITION -- 4. Human-irrelevant.
D-COGNITION -- 4. Relevant to human concerns; e.g., what good is it, what can it be used for, is it good for or dangerous to people, etc.
B-COGNITION -- 5. Made richer by repeated experiencing. More & more perceived. Intra-object richness.
D-COGNITION -- 5. Repeated experiencing impoverishes, reduces richness, makes it less interesting and attractive, takes away its demand-character. Familiarization leads to boredom.
B-COGNITION -- 6. Seen as unneeded, as purposeless, as not desired, as unmotivated perceiving.
Perceived as if it had no reference to the needs of the perceiver. Can therefore be seen as independent, in its own right.
D-COGNITION -- 6. Motivated perceiving. Object seen as need-gratifier, as useful or not useful.
B-COGNITION -- 7. Object-centering. Self-forgetful, ego-transcending, unselfish, disinterested. Therefore,
it-centered. Identification and fusion of perceiver and perceived. So absorbed and poured into the experience that self disappears, so that whole experience can be organized around the object itself as a centering point or organizing point. Object uncontaminated and unconfused with self. Abnegation of the perceiver.
D-COGNITION -- 7. Organized around ego as a centering point, which means projection of the ego
into the perception, not of the object alone, but of the object mixed-with-self-of-the-perceiver.
B-COGNITION -- 8. The object is permitted to be itself. Humble, receptive, passive, choiceness, undemanding. Taoistic, noninterference with the object or percept. “Let be” acceptance.
D-COGNITION -- 8. Active shaping, organizing, and selecting by the perceiver. He shifts it, rearranges it. He works at it. This must be more fatiguing than B-cognizing, which probably is fatigue-
curing. Trying, striving, effort. Will, control.
B-COGNITION -- 9. Seen as end in itself, self-validating. Self-justifying. Intrinsically interesting for its own sake. Has intrinsic value.
D-COGNITION -- 9. A means, an instrument, not having self-contained worth but having only
exchange value, or standing for something else, or a ticket to some other place.
B-COGNITION -- 10. Outside of time and space. Seen as eternal, universal. "A minute is a day; a day is a
minute." Disorientation of perceiver in time and space, not conscious of surroundings. Percept not related to surroundings. Ahistorical.
D-COGNITION -- 10. In time and space. Temporal. Local. Seen in history, & in the physical world.
B-COGNITION -- 11. The characteristics of Being are perceived as Values of Being.
D-COGNITION -- 11. D-Values are means-values, i.e., usefulness, desirability-undesirability, suitability
For a purpose. Evaluations, comparisons, condemnations, approvals, or disapprovals, judgments upon.
B-COGNITION -- 12. Absolute (because timeless and spaceless, because detached from the ground, because taken per se, because rest of world and history all forgotten). This is compatible with the perception of process and shifting, alive organizations within the perception-but it is strictly within the perception.
D-COGNITION -- 12. Relative to history, to culture, to characterology, to local values, to the interests and needs of man. It is-felt to be passing. Depends on man for its reality; if man were to disappear, it would disappear. Shifting from one syndrome to another as a whole, i.e., it is now a bit in this syndrome, now a bit
in that syndrome.
B-COGNITION -- 13. Resolution of dichotomies, polarities, conflicts. Inconsistencies seen to exist simultaneously and to be sensible and necessary, i.e., to be seen as a higher unity or integration, or under a superordinate whole.
D-COGNITION -- 13. Aristotelian logic, i.e. separate things seen as dissected and cut off and quite different from each other, mutually exclusive, often with antagonistic interests.
B-COGNITION -- 14. Concretely (and abstractly) perceived. All aspects at once. Therefore ineffable (to ordinary language); describable if at all, by poetry, art, etc., but even this will make sense only to bee who has already had same experience. Essentially aesthetic experience (in Northrop's sense). Nonchoosing preferring or selecting. Seen in its muchness (different from the concrete perception of young children, of primitive adults, or of brain-injured people because it coexists with abstract ability).
D-COGNITION -- 14. Only abstract, categorized diagrammatic, rubricized, schematized. Classifying. Reduction to the abstract."
B-COGNITION -- 15. The idiographic object; the concrete, unique instance. Classification impossible (except for abstracted aspects) because sole member of its class.
D-COGNITION -- 15. Nomothetic, general, statistical lawfulness.
B-COGNITION -- 16. Increase of dynamic isomorphism between inner and outer worlds. As the essential Being of the world is perceived by the person, so also does he concurrently come closer to his own Being; and vice versa.
D-COGNITION -- 16. Decreased isomorphism.
B-COGNITION -- 17. Object often perceived as sacred, holy, every special." It demands" or Calls for" awe, reverence, piety, wonder.
D-COGNITION -- 17. Object Normal," everyday, ordinary, familiar, nothing special, Familiarized away."
B-COGNITION -- 18. World and self often (not always) seen as amusing, playful, comic, funny, absurd, laughable; but also as poignant. Laughter (which is close to tears). Philosophical humor, humors. World, person, child, etc., seen as cute, absurd, charming, lovable. May produce mixed laughing-crying. Fusion of comic-tragic dichotomy.
D-COGNITION -- 18. Lesser forms of humor, if seen at all. Serious things quite different from amusing things. Hostile humor, humorlessness. Solemnity.
B-COGNITION -- 19. Noninterchangeable. Not replaceable. No one else will do.
D-COGNITION -- 19. Interchangeable. Replaceable. Characteristics of Being-Cognition and Deficiency-Cognition of the World'
BEST SELF USA ~ 239/591-4565
Friday, June 12, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Archived Call The Shrink for June 5th - Dr. Landrum
Hear Dr Gene Landrum, professor, author, Innovator & Super Senior, talking about his latest book: THE INNOVATIVE MIND; Stop Thinking & Start Being
Click on the link below to listen to the Call The Shrink with Sam and Bunny Show - BECOMING OUR BEST SELVES! Part TWO - Dr. Gene Landrum show
(allow up to two full minutes for download)
Go to to order a copy of The Innovative Mind. Mention this program and receive a Free CD of his book!
Go to to order a copy of Sam & Bunny’s book for Father’s Day!
Autographed copies available in Naples: call 239/591-4565 or email; Free mailing for Father’s Day!
Powered by BlogTalkRadio
Click on the link below to listen to the Call The Shrink with Sam and Bunny Show - BECOMING OUR BEST SELVES! Part TWO - Dr. Gene Landrum show
(allow up to two full minutes for download)
Go to to order a copy of The Innovative Mind. Mention this program and receive a Free CD of his book!
Go to to order a copy of Sam & Bunny’s book for Father’s Day!
Autographed copies available in Naples: call 239/591-4565 or email; Free mailing for Father’s Day!
Powered by BlogTalkRadio
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Being-values
The B-values
WHOLENESS (unity; integration; tendency to one-ness; interconnectedness; simplicity; organization; structure; dichotomy-transcendence; order);
PERFECTION (necessity; just-right-ness; just-so-ness; inevitability; suitability; justice; completeness; "oughtness");
COMPLETION (ending; finality; justice; "it's finished"; fulfillment; finis and telos; destiny; fate);
JUSTICE (fairness; orderliness; lawfulness; "oughtness");
ALIVENESS (process; non-deadness; spontaneity; self-regulation; full-functioning);
RICHNESS (differentiation, complexity; intricacy);
SIMPLICITY (honesty; nakedness; essentiality; abstract, essential, skeletal structure);
BEAUTY (rightness; form; aliveness; simplicity; richness; wholeness; perfection; completion; uniqueness; honesty);
GOODNESS (rightness; desireability; oughtness; justice; benevolence; honesty);
UNIQUENESS (idiosyncrasy; individuality; non-comparability; novelty);
EFFORTLESSNESS (ease; lack of strain, striving or difficulty; grace; perfect, beautiful functioning);
PLAYFULNESS (fun; joy; amusement; gaiety; humor; exuberance; effortlessness);
TRUTH (honesty; reality; nakedness; simplicity; richness; oughtness; beauty; pure, clean and unadulterated; completeness; essentiality).
SELF-SUFFICIENCY (autonomy; independence; not-needing-other-than-itself-in-order-to-be-itself; self-determining; environment-transcendence; separateness; living by its own laws).
WHOLENESS (unity; integration; tendency to one-ness; interconnectedness; simplicity; organization; structure; dichotomy-transcendence; order);
PERFECTION (necessity; just-right-ness; just-so-ness; inevitability; suitability; justice; completeness; "oughtness");
COMPLETION (ending; finality; justice; "it's finished"; fulfillment; finis and telos; destiny; fate);
JUSTICE (fairness; orderliness; lawfulness; "oughtness");
ALIVENESS (process; non-deadness; spontaneity; self-regulation; full-functioning);
RICHNESS (differentiation, complexity; intricacy);
SIMPLICITY (honesty; nakedness; essentiality; abstract, essential, skeletal structure);
BEAUTY (rightness; form; aliveness; simplicity; richness; wholeness; perfection; completion; uniqueness; honesty);
GOODNESS (rightness; desireability; oughtness; justice; benevolence; honesty);
UNIQUENESS (idiosyncrasy; individuality; non-comparability; novelty);
EFFORTLESSNESS (ease; lack of strain, striving or difficulty; grace; perfect, beautiful functioning);
PLAYFULNESS (fun; joy; amusement; gaiety; humor; exuberance; effortlessness);
TRUTH (honesty; reality; nakedness; simplicity; richness; oughtness; beauty; pure, clean and unadulterated; completeness; essentiality).
SELF-SUFFICIENCY (autonomy; independence; not-needing-other-than-itself-in-order-to-be-itself; self-determining; environment-transcendence; separateness; living by its own laws).
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Call the Shrink - Fri. June 5th - Special Guest
Please Share and Post:
Dear Friends,
Sam & Bunny’s “Call The Shrink” online radio program for
Friday, June 5th (8-10 PM ET) will focus on:
Featuring Dr. Gene Landrum,
author, professor and success coach, amazing “Super Senior!” Learn more about Dr Gene Landrum at
Dr. Gene’s new book is “The Innovative Mind, Stop Thinking & Start Being”.
We will explore the traits of healthy personalities. Find out what is right with you, rather than what is wrong with you.
• We are going to paint a conceptual portrait of the best qualities of mature human beings.
• We needed a name for these fictional persons, so Tribal Elders is what we will call these exceptionally healthy people.
• These “Tribal Elders” are modern, well educated, and spiritually motivated.
Please consider calling in with your questions & comments this week on our blogtalk radio show. Our listening audience is expanding. We would like more listener-audience participation! Call in and share your observations about yourself, your friends, your boss, or world leaders!
The support blog for “Call The Shrink” (with visual materials we discuss during the show) is at
We then encourage you to call in on Friday evening from 8-10PM and share some of your thoughts and feelings with us, and we’ll help you to understand the significant way in which those experiences affect our future.
Call-in Number: (646) 727-2652
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To listen to this program online, go to:
All the programs will be auto-archived for seven days, so if you miss us live, you can always hear the program later in the week by going to the site above. While the national call-in line is a New York number and subject to long distance charges, most people have free evening long distance if they use their cell phones. Or email us for an MP3 link:
Our friend, Selwyn Mills, wrote up a nice introduction for the “Call The Shrink” Radio Show Page. As you can see from Selwyn’s report, we are open to discuss almost anything from the list below, so don’t feel obligated to restrict your calls to mental health issues or relationships.
Dr. Selwyn Mills tells you all about Sam and Bunny:
· Sam and Bunny Sewell are fascinating people. They are both active in MENSA the High IQ Society, so their interests and expertise are deep and wide
· They operate a Counseling and Life Skills Clinic, Best Self USA.
· Sam is the Gifted Child Coordinator for MENSA.
· Bunny facilitates women’s groups which discuss everything from Ansel Adams to Zen Buddhism.
· Sam is an aviation enthusiast. He is also a Hot Rodder, with a trophy winning, best in show, car.
· Bunny does organic gardening and operates an Organic Foods Co-op.
· They do seminars on Marriage and Family issues, their award winning research on Family Issues is published in several languages.
· They serve on the faculty of Naples Theological Center, and teach Comparative World Religions and Biblical Scholarship.
· They serve on the Adjunct Faculty for the Clinical Pastoral Education program at Naples Community Hospital
· They do many personal appearances and radio and TV interviews for their newly released book “I Fired My Doctors and Saved My Life”
· They do Health and Fitness Coaching and Nutritional Counseling
· Their interests range from Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Religion, Literature, the Arts & just about anything else that makes it worth waking up each morning.
· They are eager to discuss these topics and topics you are interested in on “Call The Shrink” Internet Blog Talk Radio.
I encourage you to call their show with your questions & comments
on Fridays from 8-10PM EST.
Read Sam & Bunny’s story of triumph over adversity!
*Doctors, drugs & surgery are not always the best answer!
*Includes scientifically validated Total Life Saving Regimen!
*NOW ~ You can buy our new book:
Healthy, Natural Alternatives to Drugs and Surgery
and have it sent directly to family & friends at:
$19.95 PRINT ~ only $12.50 as PDF download
Dear Friends,
Sam & Bunny’s “Call The Shrink” online radio program for
Friday, June 5th (8-10 PM ET) will focus on:
Featuring Dr. Gene Landrum,

author, professor and success coach, amazing “Super Senior!” Learn more about Dr Gene Landrum at
Dr. Gene’s new book is “The Innovative Mind, Stop Thinking & Start Being”.
We will explore the traits of healthy personalities. Find out what is right with you, rather than what is wrong with you.
• We are going to paint a conceptual portrait of the best qualities of mature human beings.
• We needed a name for these fictional persons, so Tribal Elders is what we will call these exceptionally healthy people.
• These “Tribal Elders” are modern, well educated, and spiritually motivated.
Please consider calling in with your questions & comments this week on our blogtalk radio show. Our listening audience is expanding. We would like more listener-audience participation! Call in and share your observations about yourself, your friends, your boss, or world leaders!
The support blog for “Call The Shrink” (with visual materials we discuss during the show) is at
We then encourage you to call in on Friday evening from 8-10PM and share some of your thoughts and feelings with us, and we’ll help you to understand the significant way in which those experiences affect our future.
Call-in Number: (646) 727-2652
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To listen to this program online, go to:
All the programs will be auto-archived for seven days, so if you miss us live, you can always hear the program later in the week by going to the site above. While the national call-in line is a New York number and subject to long distance charges, most people have free evening long distance if they use their cell phones. Or email us for an MP3 link:
Our friend, Selwyn Mills, wrote up a nice introduction for the “Call The Shrink” Radio Show Page. As you can see from Selwyn’s report, we are open to discuss almost anything from the list below, so don’t feel obligated to restrict your calls to mental health issues or relationships.
Dr. Selwyn Mills tells you all about Sam and Bunny:
· Sam and Bunny Sewell are fascinating people. They are both active in MENSA the High IQ Society, so their interests and expertise are deep and wide
· They operate a Counseling and Life Skills Clinic, Best Self USA.
· Sam is the Gifted Child Coordinator for MENSA.
· Bunny facilitates women’s groups which discuss everything from Ansel Adams to Zen Buddhism.
· Sam is an aviation enthusiast. He is also a Hot Rodder, with a trophy winning, best in show, car.
· Bunny does organic gardening and operates an Organic Foods Co-op.
· They do seminars on Marriage and Family issues, their award winning research on Family Issues is published in several languages.
· They serve on the faculty of Naples Theological Center, and teach Comparative World Religions and Biblical Scholarship.
· They serve on the Adjunct Faculty for the Clinical Pastoral Education program at Naples Community Hospital
· They do many personal appearances and radio and TV interviews for their newly released book “I Fired My Doctors and Saved My Life”
· They do Health and Fitness Coaching and Nutritional Counseling
· Their interests range from Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Religion, Literature, the Arts & just about anything else that makes it worth waking up each morning.
· They are eager to discuss these topics and topics you are interested in on “Call The Shrink” Internet Blog Talk Radio.
I encourage you to call their show with your questions & comments
on Fridays from 8-10PM EST.
Read Sam & Bunny’s story of triumph over adversity!
*Doctors, drugs & surgery are not always the best answer!
*Includes scientifically validated Total Life Saving Regimen!
*NOW ~ You can buy our new book:
Healthy, Natural Alternatives to Drugs and Surgery
and have it sent directly to family & friends at:
$19.95 PRINT ~ only $12.50 as PDF download
Monday, June 1, 2009
Archived Call the Shrink - May 30th 2009
Click on the link below to listen to the archived Call The Shrink with Sam and Bunny - BECOMING OUR BEST SELVES ~ Part 1 Show
Let us know if you need help getting connected. (Give it time, up to two full minutes, to download.)
Glad to have you share with your contacts as well!
Let us know if you need help getting connected. (Give it time, up to two full minutes, to download.)
Glad to have you share with your contacts as well!
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